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Archive for the ‘US-Mexico Border’

Thursday, July 15, 2010 0

Posted on July 15, 2010 by Flashpoints

Today on Flashpoints:Independent Report Greg Palast Launches His “Amazon to Arctic” investigation of BP, even as the Oil Giant claims to have finally capped it deadly oil gusher. Also We’ll have a report about continuing protests in El Paso in response to the recent killing of a 14 year old Mexican boy by the US border Patrol and Lyn Stewart gets another 8 years tacked on her sentence for speaking publicly about her case.

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Ruben L Garcia: Annunciation House

Greg Palast: The Amazon to Arctic Investigation of BP


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Friday, August 14th, 2009 2

Posted on August 14, 2009 by Flashpoints

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Mothers Day vigil at ICE detention facility, Oregon (courtesy of

Mother's Day vigil at ICE detention facility, Oregon (courtesy of

We’ll continue our live reports from the front lines of resistance in Tegucigalpa, Honduras; also, we hear the personal story of an ICE kidnapping and the impact on an entire family; plus, we’ll continue our series on how ICE is misusing the Department of Motor Vehicles’ bureaus to seize immigrant’s cars; Flashpoints en Espanol has headlines for the region and will also focus on the abuse of the DMV by ICE; and Headlines from Project Censored.


Project Censored

Tim Russo, Free Speech Radio News

Raphael Vasquez, Okily Ngubery and Sabrina Krauss

Molly Goss

Miguel Perez

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    We like smart, political and well-produced music -- and are especially in search of possible new theme instrumentals. Please send it to Flashpoints, c/o KPFA, 1929 Martin Luther King Jr. Way, Berkeley, CA 94704, or email your Mp3s at with full descriptions and credits.

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