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April 01, 2015 by
Flashpoints examines the past, present & future of public education through a social justice lens. Broadcasts every Wednesday for 15 weeks, beginning March 18, 2015.
This series is produced and hosted by Ken Yale
Episode 3 (aired April 1st 2015)
“Education For Whom? Education For What?”
Addresses the role of gender & sexual orientation in the early history of U.S. education. Surveys the struggles to transform education in the 1950’s, 60’s and 70’s by civil rights, feminist and liberation movements around the country.
Kevin Kumashiro: Dean of USF School of Education, Founding Director for the Center for Anti-Oppressive Education, Former President of National Association for Multicultural Education
Fannie Rushing: SNCC Field Secretary and Freedom School teacher, 1962-1966. Currently History Professor, Benedictine University, Lisle, IL
Kadijah Means: Black Student Union President at Berkeley High School
Click on the link below to listen to this episode
Flashpoints Education Series – Episode 3
Click on the links below for the full interviews
Kevin Kumashiro
Fannie Rushing
Posted on
April 01, 2015 by
Flashpoints examines the past, present & future of public education through a social justice lens. Broadcasts every Wednesday for 15 weeks, beginning March 18, 2015.
This series is produced and hosted by Ken Yale
Episode 2 (aired March 25th 2015)
“Inequity By Design”
Contrasts indigenous & Eurocentric education. Surveys the history of public education in the U.S. from the first arrival of Europeans through the early 1900’s. Highlights who has been included & excluded, and how the system was designed to sort & differentiate students.
Rose Von Thater-Braan: Co-founder & Director, Native American Academy. Former Director of Education at U.C. Berkeley’s Center for Particle Astrophysics
Kevin Kumashiro: Dean of USF School of Education, Founding Director for the Center for Anti-Oppressive Education, Former President of National Association for Multicultural Education
George Galvis: Executive Director & Co-founder, Communities United for Restorative Youth Justice
Click on the link below to listen to this episode
Flashpoints Education Series – Part 2
Click on the link below to listen to the full interviews
Kevin Kumashiro
Rose Von Thater-Braan
Posted on
April 01, 2015 by
Flashpoints examines the past, present & future of public education through a social justice lens. Broadcasts every Wednesday for 15 weeks, beginning March 18, 2015.
This series is produced and hosted by Ken Yale
Episode 1 (aired March 18th 2015)
“Education Before The Colonizers”
The first of 3 programs on the history of education through a social justice lens. This program explores the indigenous worldview & learning processes before the arrival of European colonizers to North America.
Dr. Leroy Little Bear: Professor Emeritus and former Chair of Native Studies, University of Lethbridge, Canada. Former Director of American Indian Program at Harvard University. Legal and constitutional advisor to Assembly of First Nations.
Click on the link below to listen to this episode
Flashpoints Education Series – Episode 1
Click on the link below to listen to the full interview
Dr. Leroy Little Bear Full Interview
Posted on
April 01, 2015 by
Today on Flashpoints: Will the US right wing manage to nuke the Iran deal? Also, did Jerry Brown’s executive order for mandatory water restrictions let corporate agriculture and oil companies off the hook? And part three of our series, The Battle For Education in The 21st Century, addresses the role of gender and sexual orientation in the early history of the US education, and takes a look at the struggles by various liberation movements to transform education in the 1950′s, 60′s & 70′s.
Click on the link below to listen to today’s show
Flashpoints 04-01-15