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Thursday, January 14th, 2010 2

Posted on January 14, 2010 by Flashpoints

Helicopter flying over Port-au-Prince, Haiti, Thursday.  Francois Mori/AP

Helicopter flying over Port-au-Prince, Haiti, Thursday. Francois Mori/AP

We’ll have a frontline report from on the ground in Haiti, where tens of thousands of people have died in a massive earthquake; we’ll also talk about the politics behind relief and hear from Pierre Labossiere about various actions to support the people of Haiti; also, Flashpoints special correspondent Jamal Jumaa released from Israeli detention, he talks about his month in jail, enduring solitary confinement and psychological torture and his perseverance to keep the anti-apartheid movement going; Bekah Wolf talks about expanding Israeli settler attacks in West Bank villages; and cartoonist reporter Joe Sacco talks about the focus story of his book, Footnotes in Gaza.


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Kevin Pina, Haiti Action

Pierre Labossiere, Haiti Action Emergency Relief Fund

Ansel Herz, Narco News

Jamal Jumaa, Stop the Wall

Bekah Wolf, Palestine Solidarity Project

Joe Sacco, reporter and cartoonist


Joe Sacco

Joe Sacco

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Wednesday, January 13th, 2010 0

Posted on January 13, 2010 by Flashpoints



We devote most of the show to the massive earthquake that devastated the island nation of Haiti, we’ll speak to the former director of Haitian National Television, we’ll speak to activist and singer Farah Juste in Miami, we’ll be joined again by Flashpoints special correspondent Kevin Pina and leading international activist Pierre Labossiere of the Haiti Action Committee and the Haiti Emergency Relief Fund; also, we’ll bring you a special report on workers’ safety in the film industry.


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Kevin Pina

Renald Louis, Former director-general of Television National d’Haiti, director of Radio Kajou

Pierre Labossiere, Haiti Action Committee and Haiti Emergency Relief Fund

Farah Juste, activist and singer

Steve Zeltzer


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Tuesday, January 12th, 2010 0

Posted on January 12, 2010 by Flashpoints

Earthquake in Haiti - from Radio Tele Ginen

Earthquake in Haiti - from Radio Tele Ginen

The poverty-stricken nation of Haiti was rocked today by a massive earthquake that exceeded 7.0 on the richter scale; a major hospital, the presidential palace and many other buildings were damaged; we’ll have a special report on the devastation; also, ten Palestinians killed in Gaza in two weeks by Israeli airstrikes and tank fire, we’ll go to Gaza City for a full report; and a year after the police murder of Oscar Grant, protesters face felony charges for their street response to the close-range killing.


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Kevin Pina

Pierre Labossiere

Farah Juste

Dr. Haidar Eid, professor of Culture Studies at Al-Aqsa University, Steering committee member of PACBI, One Democratic State Group, and Gaza Freedom March

JR and the Block Report


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Monday, January 11th, 2010 0

Posted on January 12, 2010 by Flashpoints
Protesting Torture

Protesting Torture

Obama breaks his campaign promise to close the US Torture Center at Guantanamo Bay;  anti-torture protesters hold him accountable in Washington D.C. ; Meanwhile, the man who wrote the memos justifying the wide ranging use of torture under the Bush administration, John Yoo, starts teaching again, but exactly where is being kept a secret by Officials at the University of California in Berkeley; And Ali Abumimah speaks with us from Amman, Jordan about two weeks of protest in Cairo against Israeli Apartheid.

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Stephanie Tang, World Can't Wait
Kevin Pina, Haiti Action
Ali Abinumah, Electronic Intifada
Frida Berrigan, Witness Against TortureFPLOGO1

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Wednesday, January 6th, 2010 0

Posted on January 06, 2010 by Flashpoints

In Cairo, protesting is dangerous to ones health. Plainclothes government thugs clash with demonstrators protesting Israels assault on Gaza. (Photo © 2009 Mohamed Boraie)

In Cairo, plainclothes government thugs clash with demonstrators protesting Israel's assault on Gaza. (Photo © 2009 Mohamed Boraie)

Sam Husseini reports from Amman, Jordan, on ten days of protests in Cairo; also, Catherine Austin Fitts returns with Community Business, we’ll take a look at the year that just passed and what’s up ahead economically; and Flashpoints special correspondent Kevin Pina, just back from Haiti, joins us in the studio for an update.


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Catherine Austin Fitts, Solari Network

Kevin Pina, FP Special Correspondent

Sam Husseini, Institute for Public Accuracy


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Monday, December 21st, 2009 0

Posted on December 22, 2009 by Flashpoints

Kevin in Haiti

Kevin in Haiti

In Haiti, Death Squads Take to the streets in Port au Prince with full impunity; also, Eva Golinger reports from Caracas on Drone Surveillance from Columbia, CIA infiltrations into Cuba, and the coup in Honduras; A leader of the Indigenous Environmental Network Speaks out at the end of the Global Summit, and the Knight report.


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Kevin Pina, Flashpoints special correspondent

Tom Goldtooth, Indigenous Environmental Network

Eva Golinger, author, The Chavez Code

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Thursday, December 17th, 2009 0

Posted on December 17, 2009 by Flashpoints

Global Climate Summit

Global Climate Summit

Nativo Lopez talks about immigration reform and health care for migrant workers; also, Kevin Pina reports on the 19th anniversary of Jean Bertrand Aristide’s first election to the presidency in Haiti; plus, Dorothy Guerrero from the Climate Summit talks about the real impacts on the Global South; and the Knight Report.


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Kevin Pina, FP Special Correspondent in Haiti

Nativo Lopez, President, Mexican-American Political Association

Dorothy Guerrero, Focus on the Global South – Philippines


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Tuesday, December 15th, 2009 0

Posted on December 15, 2009 by Flashpoints

UC Student Protests

UC Student Protests

We begin a series of new reports on the expanding devastation in Haiti with our special correspondent on the ground, Kevin Pina; also, we’ll take a look at the attacks by AIPAC and Zionist activists on local and national media; plus, we’ll continue our drumbeat coverage of the student rebellions across California in response to massive cutbacks and tuition increases at the University and Community College level; and the Knight Report.


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Kevin Pina, FP Special Correspondent

Barbara Lubin, Executive Director, Middle East Children’s Alliance

Mickey Huff, Associate Director, Project Censored; Professor at Diablo Valley College

George Cicariello-Maher, UC Berkeley PhD candidate, correspondent for Counterpunch

Laura Zee, Student at UC Berkeley, arrested at Wheeler Hall, in court today

Asas Shalev, UC Berkeley Student, arrested at Wheeler Hall

Tyler Collins, UC Berkeley Student


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Thursday, December 3rd, 2009 0

Posted on December 03, 2009 by Flashpoints

Randy Credico

Randy Credico

The US-backed government of Haiti bans the participation of the largest pro-democracy party, the Lavalas party of President Jean-Bertrand Aristide; also, New York State Senate candidate and political satarist Randy Credico joins us in studio to talk about the new William Kunstler film, the war, and his comical race for Senate; JR and the Block Report weigh in on the Angola 3 case; and the Knight Report.


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Kevin Pina, FP Special Correspondent to Haiti

Maryse Narcisse , Official Representative of Lavalas Political Party, designated by President Aristide

Randy Credico, New York Senate candidate, political satarist


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Tuesday, November 24th, 2009 0

Posted on November 24, 2009 by Flashpoints

Students protest budget cuts and rising tuition costs

Students protest budget cuts and rising tuition costs

We’ll get an update on the situation in Honduras, where President Zelaya is still holding out in the Brazilian Embassy there, while the resistance movement continues to take to the streets; also, we’ll speak to a veteran teacher in the community college system in California about the impact of budget cuts at the two-year level; we’ll also be joined by Peter Phillips, who has a new article about the real causes for the financial meltdown at the Universities and Colleges; and Kevin Pina will be in the studio for an update on the situation in Haiti as he heads out to the region.


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Andres Thomas Conteris, Nonviolence International and Democracy Now

Grahame Russell, Rights Action

Mickey Huff and Peter Phillips, educators and editors/directors of Project Censored

Kevin Pina, FP Special Correspondent to Haiti


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    We like smart, political and well-produced music -- and are especially in search of possible new theme instrumentals. Please send it to Flashpoints, c/o KPFA, 1929 Martin Luther King Jr. Way, Berkeley, CA 94704, or email your Mp3s at with full descriptions and credits.

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