Posted on
April 01, 2010 by

Pfizer (photo: Getty Images)
We’ll have a report on a Federal lawsuit against pharmaceutical giant Pfizer for contaminating their workers; also, a former Iranian torture victim and student revolutionary speaks out about the current executions in Iran; and a brand-new film series in Berkeley highlights the ongoing struggle of Palestinans under occupation.
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Anahita, student revolutionary from 1970s
Steve Zeltzer, Labor activist
Becky McLaine, former Pfizer scientist
Steve Shrag, Connecticut co-chair, Council on Occupational Safety and Health
Nabil Wahbeh and Annette Herskovits
Palestine Film Series at Berkeley Fellowship of Unitarian Universalists

Tags: Corporate CrimesEnvironmental justiceHealth careIranIsraelPalestineTortureWorkers' Rights
Posted on
February 22, 2010 by
Today on Flashpoints, Special correspondent Kevin Pina returns from
Port Au Prince. We will be debriefing him about some of the key life
and death issues being faced by millions of Haitians. Also, we’ll
take a look at Hillary Clinton and the U.S. State Department beating
the drums of war.
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Ray McGovern
Kevin Pina

Tags: HaitiIranObama Administration
Posted on
October 23, 2009 by

Noam Chomsky
Noam Chomsky takes on Obama’s policies in the Middle East, we’ll hear from a recent speech he made at the Paramount Theater in Oakland; also, supporting the GI resistance movement through the opening of a cafe and outreach center near Fort Hood, Texas; and JR and the Block Report investigate some of the trumped-up charges of defendants in the Oakland 100 case, activists who were arrested during the rebellions against the cop murder of Oscar Grant in January.
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Noam Chomsky, legendary historian and linguist
Mike Wong, Veterans for Peace and Asian-Americans Against the War

Tags: AfghanistanGI ResistanceInternational LawIranIraqIsraelObama AdministrationPalestine
Posted on
October 15, 2009 by

New Orleans, October 2009 (via AP)
Greg Palast talks about healthcare and the corporations that are trying to kill it; also, a report from a protest in Santa Clara, California, against Homeland Security chief Janet Napolitano and the continuing draconian policies against undocumented workers and their families; we’ll also go to the devastated Lower Ninth Ward of New Orleans where President Obama visited today; plus, gearing up for a massive mobilization against US wars and occupations in the Middle East; and the Knight Report.
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Jacques Morel, Louisiana Justice Institute
James Perry, New Orleans Mayoral candidate
Greg Palast, investigative reporter
Jeff Mackler and Kathy Lipscomb, co-leaders of October 17th Anti-War Coalition
MARCH AND RALLY: Saturday, Oct. 17, 12noon at UN Plaza, San Francisco
Miguel Gavilan Molina, Flashpoints’ roving producer/reporter

Tags: AfghanistanCorporate CrimesHealth careInternational LawIranIraqNew OrleansObama AdministrationPalestineWar profiteering
Posted on
October 14, 2009 by

Israeli soldiers fire on Palestinians in Qalandiya, West Bank (courtesy of Getty/The Independent)
Internationally-renowned, award-winning journalist Robert Fisk talks about the recent takeover of central military headquarters in Pakistan, the recent corrupt elections in Afghanistan, and the situations in Iraq and Iran; also, on Community Business with Catherine Austin Fitts, we’ll continue our discussion of the financial coup d’etat in Washington and on Wall Street; and the Knight Report.
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Robert Fisk, award-winning author and journalist with the Independent of London
Catherine Austin Fitts, Solari Network

Tags: AfghanistanCommunity BusinessCorporate CrimesInternational LawIranIraqIsraelObama AdministrationPalestineTortureWar profiteering
Posted on
October 13, 2009 by

Sgt. Travis Bishop, who served a tour in Iraq, is now considered to be a prisoner of conscience by Amnesty International. (Photo: courtesy of Travis Bishop)
Award-winning reporter and author Dahr Jamail talks about the expanding wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and the growing GI resistance movement; also, we’ll have a report from the Brazilian Embassy in Tegucigalpa, Honduras, with Andres Conteris; plus, we focus on the Arab Film Festival in the Bay Area, we’ll speak to the director of the event and one of the filmmakers included in the festival; and the Knight Report.
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Dahr Jamail, FP Special Correspondent, author, The Will to Resist; see his new piece on GI resistance here
SPEAKING EVENTS: click here for Bay Area event calendar
Michel Shehadeh, director of the Arab Film Festival
Najwa Najjar, director, Pomegranates & Myrrh

Tags: AfghanistanGI ResistanceHondurasInternational LawIranIraqObama AdministrationTortureWar profiteering
Posted on
September 08, 2009 by

Bob Parry, Consortium News
Award-winning investigative reporter Robert Parry takes issue with whether the Iranian elections were stolen, and whether the convicted Lockerbie bomber was really the mass murderer who blew up Pan Am flight 103 in 1988; Bob Parry also talks about real journalism and what it takes to tell the truth in the mainstream.
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Robert Parry, Consortium News

Tags: Iran