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August 17, 2010 by

Dylcia Pagan, Former Puerto Rican Political Prisoner
We will rebroadcast the compelling interview with Flashpoints’ Special Correspondent Jon Gibler on the expanding involvement of the Mexican Military and State Police in the country’s deadly drug trade; also, JR and the Block Report sit down for an extended interview with the legendary revolutionary Dylcia Pagan; and we’ll examine the decision of the 9th circuit to put an indefinite stay on same sex marriage in California.
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Dylcia Pagan, Former Puerto Rican Political Prisoner
Dennis Herrera, San Francisco City Attorney
Leland Traiman, long time activist in the LGBT community
Elizabeth Gill, Lawyer with the ACLU of Northern California
John Gibler, Independent Reporter in Mexico
POCC Minister of Information JR and the Block Report

Tags: Drug WarLGBTMexicoMinister of Information JRPolitical Prisoners
Posted on
July 16, 2010 by
Living with State-Sponsored, Paramilitary Violence on Both Sides of the US Mexico Border :Co-host Francisco Herrera talks about the Kidnapping, and torture of his brother-in-law last week in Chihuahua Mexico, as well as the shoot-in-the-back murder of his cousin six years ago by LA Sheriffs. He was convicted of involuntary manslaughter, same as Oscar Grant’s killer, Johannes Mehserle.
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Francisco Herrera
Jose Artiga: The SHARE Foundation

Tags: Immigrant RightsMexicoPolice brutality
Posted on
June 14, 2010 by
We feature exclusive eye-witness testimony of last Monday’s border patrol killing of an unarmed 14 year old Mexican boy; we’ll hear how border patrol and local authorities dispersed dozens of eye-witnesses instead of taking their statement; also, in a major victory for the First Amendment, anti-torture activists, including Kathy Kelly, were found not guilty today by a judge in a Federal Court in Washington, DC; and Obama tours the Gulf as BP’s gusher continues to destroy large chunks of the Gulf of Mexico.
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Kathy Kelly, co-coordinator of Voices for Creative Nonviolence
Linda St. Martin
Bobbie McDow, eye-witness to last week’s border killing

Tags: Border KillingCorporate CrimesGulf GusherImmigrant RightsMexicoUp Front
Posted on
May 14, 2010 by

Tona Tierra
We’ll focus on the first racist murder after the passage of Arizona’s anti-immigrant legislation, we’ll speak with Tupac Enrique Acosta; also, we’ll speak to Mapa President Nativo Lopez about Los Angeles’ action to restrain Arizona but fails to clean up its own anti-immigrant house; and, we welcome back advocate, author and marijuana guru Ed Rosenthal.
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Tupac Enrique Acosta
Nativo Lopez
Ed Rosenthal

Tags: Health careImmigrant RightsIndigenous rightsMexicoObama Administration
Posted on
April 30, 2010 by

Gulf Coast BP Oil Spill
Please note: Due to technical difficulties, the Best of Flashpoints this week is not available for download.
Tens of thousands of gallons of oil continue to spill into the Gulf of Mexico, endangering the lives and the livelihoods of thousands of Gulf Coast residents and the already-fragile eco-systems; also, Mexican paramilitaries ambush and kill members of a human rights convoy in Oaxaca; we’ll continue our reporting on the crackdown on the entire immigrant community and their supporters; we’ll update our reports on the protests against school budget cuts; and Flashpoints en Espanol.
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Tyson Slocum, Public Citizen
John Gibler, FP Special Correspondent and author
Rene Saucedo
Evelina Molina
Cesar Cruz

Tags: Corporate CrimesEducationEnvironmental justiceImmigrant RightsIndigenous rightsLatin AmericaMexicoObama Administration
Posted on
March 29, 2010 by

Refugee camp in East Timor
Today on Flashpoints, we’ll speak to investigative reporter Alan Nairn about an Indonesian military assassination program against dissidents. We’ll also speak to Enrique Morones, founder of the Border Angels and former high level sports executive with an update of the militarization of the Mexican-American border and how he is giving out water to the people that are stranded in the desert. Then Bob Parry talks about the politics of healthcare coverage in the media.
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Alan Nairn, Investigative journalist
Enrique Morones, Founder, Border Angels
Bob Parry, Editor, Consortium News

Tags: East TimorHealth careImmigrant RightsIndonesiaMainstream mediaMexico
Posted on
February 12, 2010 by

We continue our reporting from ground zero in Haiti, where hundreds of thousands of earthquake victims continue to face life and death conditions; also, Francisco Herrera reports back from the National Latino Caucus on migration, militarization and the border wars; we’ll also get a report on a recent slaughter in Chihuahua; we’ll hear about a recent action by the Border Angels; headlines from the region; and Flashpoints en Espanol reports from the National Latino Caucus.
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Kevin Pina
Francisco Herrera

Tags: HaitiImmigrant RightsIndigenous rightsLatin AmericaMexicoObama Administration
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February 03, 2010 by
We continue our coverage of the Haiti earthquake disaster with on-the-ground reports from Kevin Pina and Dr. Christina Chavez, niece of the late Cesar Chavez; also, an investigation into secret US prisons in Afghanistan known as Field Detention Sites; and we’ll have an update on Mexico on its Constitution Day.
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Kevin Pina
Anand Gopal
Gabriel Hernandez

Tags: AfghanistanHaitiMexicoObama AdministrationTorture
Posted on
January 05, 2010 by

John Ross
Award-winning Independent of London reporter Patrick Cockburn responds to Hillary Clinton’s statements on Yemen and assesses the expanding war in Afghanistan; also, John Ross reviews the year in Mexican politics and takes a look forward at some of the key issues as the Mexican economy continues to crumble; and Andres Thomas Conteris reports on a breaking story regarding high US officials meeting with President Zelaya in the Brazilian Embassy at this hour.
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Andres Thomas Conteris, Democracy Now and Nonviolence International
John Ross, author, historian and poet
Patrick Cockburn, Independent of London
Tags: AfghanistanHondurasInternational LawLatin AmericaMexicoObama AdministrationYemen
Posted on
November 18, 2009 by

John Ross
Former economic hit-man John Perkins talks about his new book, Hoodwinked: Why the World Financial Markets Imploded And What We Need to Do to Remake Them; also, our special correspondent and globetrotting troublemaker John Ross talks about his new book as well, El Monstruo – Dread and Redemption in Mexico City, the most conflictive megalopolis in the Americas; UC Berkeley students wage a massive walkout and strike against rising fees and privatized education; and the Knight Report.
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John Perkins, author, Confessions of an Economic Hitman; Hoodwinked
John Ross, author, El Monstruo: Dread and Redemption in Mexico City
Students from UC Berkeley Protests and Walkout
Music by Jim Page

Tags: Corporate CrimesCorporate PrivatizationIndigenous rightsMexicoObama AdministrationWar profiteering