Posted on
May 13, 2010 by

This is what "Negev Development" funded by the JNF looks like in Khashm Zanna, an unrecognized Bedouin village in the Negev. (International Jewish Anti-zionist Network)
We speak to UC Berkeley student activists after the hunger strike officially ended last night as the administration agreed to negotiate towards their demands, we’ll talk to them about what happens next and why one of the students remains on a hunger strike on his way to Arizona; plus, JR and the Block Report speak with Ramona Africa, the lone adult survivor of the MOVE headquarters bombing by police 25 years ago in Philadelphia; and Bedouin Palestinian attorney Rawia Abu Rabia of the Association for Civil Rights in Israel discusses the entrenched institutionalized racism and discrimination inside the state against its indigenous citizens, as home demolitions and attacks on civil rights leaders continue apace.
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Alejandro Lara Briseño and Ricardo Gomez, UC Berkeley student hunger strikers
Ramona Africa, MOVE
Rawia Abu Rabia, social justice activist and attorney, Association for Civil Rights in Israel

Tags: EducationIndigenous rightsInternational LawIsraelMumia Abu JamalObama AdministrationPalestinePolice brutalityStudent rights
Posted on
May 11, 2010 by

A demonstrator, holding up an image of Haiti's ousted President Jean-Betran Aristide, amidst tear gas during a protest against Haiti's President Rene Preval in Port-au-Prince, Monday, May 10, 2010. (AP Photo/Esteban Felix)
Kevin Pina talks about thousands of Haitians in the streets of Port-au-Prince, demanding the resignation of President Rene Preval and the reinstatement of ousted President Jean-Bertrand Aristide and getting tear-gassed by police; also, an update on the second week of the UC Berkeley hunger strike, as students urge the University to publicly oppose the racist Arizona anti-immigrant law; and we broadcast excerpts of the hard-hitting film documentary, “Capitalism: A Love Story” by Michael Moore.
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Kevin Pina, Flashpoints special correspondent
Michael Moore’s film, Capitalism: A Love Story

Tags: Corporate CrimesHaitiImmigrant RightsInternational LawStudent rights
Posted on
May 10, 2010 by

Norman Finkelstein and Lowkey
Norman Finkelstein talks about his new book, This Time, We Went Too Far: Truth and Consequences of the Gaza Invasion, in which he documents the 2008-2009 massacres by the Israeli military and sets forth possibilities for redemption as the world’s conscience galvanized in outrage; also, British-Iraqi hip hop artist Lowkey, who joins Finkelstein in his speaking event this week in Berkeley, discusses the powerful blending of hip hop and activism, we’ll also hear some of his music; and a look back at the Kent State massacre forty years later as new testimonies reveal shocking details.
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Norman Finkelstein, author, scholar and historian
Lowkey, British-Iraqi hip hop artist
Thursday, May 13th, 7:30pm, Norman Finkelstein and Lowkey; King Middle
School, Rose st. in North Berkeley. More information: or 510-548- 0542
Tags: GazaIndigenous rightsInternational LawIsraelObama AdministrationPalestineStudent rightsZionism/Zionist Lobby
Posted on
April 12, 2010 by

Dr. Francis Boyle
Dr. Michio Kaku talks about the global nuclear state of affairs as world leaders gather at a Presidential summit in Washington; also, Francis Boyle analyzes the front-runners for possible appointment to the Supreme Court; and UC Berkeley students talk about the university’s bill to divest from companies that profit from the injustices of Israel’s occupation of Palestine.
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Dr. Francis Boyle, International law professor
Michio Kaku, legendary physicist, author, radio and tv personality
Nairi Shrinian and Majdi Abuhamdieh, UC Berkeley undergraduates and members of Students for Justice in Palestine

Tags: BDSBush administrationGazaInternational LawIsraelNuclear weaponsObama AdministrationPalestineStudent rightsTortureZionism/Zionist Lobby
Posted on
March 04, 2010 by

Student and Faculty activists at UC Berkeley
Nora Barrows-Friedman reports on the illegal arrests and detention of 10 year old and 12 year old Palestinian brothers by Israeli security forces. Also, a special report from Chiapas Mexico where state security forces are cracking down on indigenous communities who they are falsely accusing of involvement in the drug trade. We’ll hear from Dr. Mads Gilbert who treated the victims of Israel’s use of unconventional weaponry in last years attack on Gaza. And students and teachers protest budget cuts all over the state.
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Alejandro Reyes, Flashpoints Special Correspondent
Dr. Mads Gilbert, Professor of Emergency Medicine, University of Tromsø, Norway
Nora Barrows-Friedman, Flashpoints Senior Producer
Kevin Pina, Flashpoints Special Correspondent

Tags: GazaIndigenous rightsIsraelPalestineStudent rightsWar CrimesZapatistas
Posted on
March 04, 2010 by

Vaccination line at a Liberian refugee camp, ©Doctors Without Borders
Featuring a speak out by student activists who are a part of an all day action tomorrow across California to protest the crippling cutbacks in the educational system from K through college. Also, we’ll be joined by award winning investigative reporter Greg Palast who will talk about his new investigation into vulture hedge-funds preying on poverty stricken Liberia.
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Elizabeth Rodriguez, Student/Education for All
Sarah Knopp, High School Teacher in Los Angeles/United Teachers of L.A.
Christina Urista, UCB Student Organizer/Oakland High School Outreach
Quetzalli Martinez, SFSU Student Organizer
Kimberly Guzman, 11th Grader Organizer
Edres Diaz, 12th Grader Organizer
Randall Gustamante – High School Teacher, Mandela High School
Greg Palast, Investigative Journalist, BBC

Tags: Corporate CrimesEducationLiberiaStudent rightsWar profiteering
Posted on
February 03, 2010 by
We continue our drum-beat reporting on Haiti: We'll have a
live, in-depth report from Kevin Pina on the ground Port Au Prince: Also The legal
architects of the Bush Torture are program given a pass by the Obama Administration:
We'll speak to the president of the National Lawyers Guild about it: And will have
an update on the the uphill battle by UC and community college students fighting
the deep cut backs in education.
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Tags: EducationHaitiObama AdministrationStudent rightsTorture
Posted on
December 15, 2009 by

UC Student Protests
We begin a series of new reports on the expanding devastation in Haiti with our special correspondent on the ground, Kevin Pina; also, we’ll take a look at the attacks by AIPAC and Zionist activists on local and national media; plus, we’ll continue our drumbeat coverage of the student rebellions across California in response to massive cutbacks and tuition increases at the University and Community College level; and the Knight Report.
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Kevin Pina, FP Special Correspondent
Barbara Lubin, Executive Director, Middle East Children’s Alliance
Mickey Huff, Associate Director, Project Censored; Professor at Diablo Valley College
George Cicariello-Maher, UC Berkeley PhD candidate, correspondent for Counterpunch
Laura Zee, Student at UC Berkeley, arrested at Wheeler Hall, in court today
Asas Shalev, UC Berkeley Student, arrested at Wheeler Hall
Tyler Collins, UC Berkeley Student

Tags: Corporate PrivatizationEducationHaitiIsraelObama AdministrationPalestinePolice brutalityStudent rightsZionism/Zionist Lobby
Posted on
December 14, 2009 by

Ali Abunimah
Today on a special edition of Flashpoints, Editor and co-founder of the Electronic Intifada, Ali Abunimah, delivers the keynote speech at the recent National Campus Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions Conference at Hampshire College in Amherst, Massachusetts; Abunimah lays out the strategies and the tactics of the growing international movement against Israeli apartheid policies in Palestine.
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Ali Abunimah, editor and co-founder of the Electronic Intifada
Keynote Speaker at the 2009 National Campus BDS Conference at Hampshire College, MA
— Music Break: Invincible – “The Emperor’s Clothes” —

Tags: BDSEducationIndigenous rightsInternational LawIsraelObama AdministrationPalestineStudent rights
Posted on
November 24, 2009 by

Students protest budget cuts and rising tuition costs
We’ll get an update on the situation in Honduras, where President Zelaya is still holding out in the Brazilian Embassy there, while the resistance movement continues to take to the streets; also, we’ll speak to a veteran teacher in the community college system in California about the impact of budget cuts at the two-year level; we’ll also be joined by Peter Phillips, who has a new article about the real causes for the financial meltdown at the Universities and Colleges; and Kevin Pina will be in the studio for an update on the situation in Haiti as he heads out to the region.
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Andres Thomas Conteris, Nonviolence International and Democracy Now
Grahame Russell, Rights Action
Mickey Huff and Peter Phillips, educators and editors/directors of Project Censored
Kevin Pina, FP Special Correspondent to Haiti

Tags: EducationHaitiHondurasStudent rights